The Allies must destroy the Axis Powerplant and the Axis must destroy the Allied Powerplant.
"It's a map designed for the objective mode, but it's also a deathmatch or fun map. The timelimit is 20 minutes. And I did put some cool lights in it as a warmup for the still-not-finished Concert Arena map." ~wezelkrozum
This map is also known as Lasershooting. Lasershooting was my second map after Alliebase. The main structure is the same, but the details are changed. Such as:
An underground tunnel from west to east
Spaws at the ground in stead of the air
Ammorate limited to 1 pack in 5 seconds
Lightbeams (which come from the concert_arena project)
More detailed wood texture
Fire in barrels contain smoke
And last but not least: Caulked brushes which increase the fps-rate and let me be able to add more details
The 1.11 patch fixes these items in the single player campaign. Old save games will still work with the new patch. Be sure to have already upgraded to version 1.1 before installing the new patch. Installation is easy. Simply download the installer and double click to run the file.
Duke's knife, the Spear of Destiny, is feared among many. The Axis HQ have learned where the Allies keep Duke's knife 'The Spear of Destiny' and gone try to steal it. The Axis need to fight there way into the catacombs and located the Spear Of Destiny on top of the big pyramid. Once they have control of the knife they have to secure it in the truck that stands ready to bring them to safety.
This is a snipermap based on real buildings in Hong Kong. The real ones are: Shun Tak Centre, Bank of China and Lippo Towers. There are lot's of sniperplaces on both sites, also on hard to reach places. There is no border so be prepared for close combat.
One day of work. Had this done pretty quick. It all started with the iron cross in the middle, the rest just poped into my head. The gameplay also. Fits perfect on 1on1 servers. For bugs use this thread. ~Qualmi
The Allies are attempting to steal components of the new Axis radar. The Axis must guard their two radars and prevent the Allies from escaping with any stolen parts.
The Allies must destroy the Axis Powerplant and the Axis must destroy the Allied Powerplant.
"It's a map designed for the objective mode, but it's also a deathmatch or fun map. The timelimit is 20 minutes. And I did put some cool lights in it as a warmup for the still-not-finished Concert Arena map." ~wezelkrozum
The allies and axis are having a battle with No Mercy! It's all about the safe, documents and radar post.
"The map was designed with my kids paper/pencils, on vacation, while lying near the pool having a beer. It was made for smaller servers or scrims, but I think you have to test that yourself. We played it with 5vs5 which was no problem.
The objective is simple. Allies get to the Axis safe, blow it up, get the documents and bring it to the radar post. Have fun playing it and let me know if you run into weard things." ~Blowfish
Not a story... Just blood! GI's and Vietcongs must fight to own Old Bones. Frag a lot and try to capture and defend the flag for 5 minutes! Who will be the king of Old Bones?
More integrated with online records, prints a banner (tj_bptimes, tj_cpmtimes to re-enable old mode) when someone breaks global #1 records or sets a record for the first time at timerun maps (added banner print).
(playerside) Timer with checkpoints and additional features.
Fixed ability to abuse save with crouch and prone to get a bugged start (all bugged times will be removed soon).