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Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 30.27
Batman in Gold Rush of...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 31.98
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 3.2 hrs
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$mart - 17 days 18 hours 33 minutes agoIt's a masterpiece, thanks Teuthis !
Teuthis - 20 days 15 hours 3 minutes agoToday I released two new versions of goldrush, named Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Reggyman - 34 days 21 hours 49 minutes agoa only ae sniper challenge server would be great again
Teuthis - 61 days 10 hours 21 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 61 days 21 hours 23 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
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macbeth - You will not be forgotten
DoubleDragon 17 days 7 hours 21 minutes ago
New Maps: Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Teuthis 20 days 14 hours 53 minutes ago
New Maps: Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Teuthis 20 days 14 hours 54 minutes ago
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[map] Grotli winter edition
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Written by Wolfmap.de, May 30 2007 at 07:18

101. Airborne & 82. All American Div. in M43 suit


--> 101. AB & 82. AA (M43 suit)

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Written by Flame-Guards, May 29 2007 at 21:20

FlameGuards in association with the East FrontDevelopment Team have take the ET battlefield to the RussianFrontlines! The campaigns, set during 1941-1945, contain actual EasternFront battlefields such as Der Kessel and Stalingrad. The mod,currently in beta testing, is based on a version of the FalckonET mod.The hope of the Eastern Front team is to create an ET experience thatis "70 percent realism without getting boring and somewhat historicallyaccurate." The team is hard at work revamping almost every aspect of the game.
  • New weapons such as the Russian PPSh and German Gewhr rifle.
  • New Russian skins and voices.
  • Drivable tanks in some maps.
  • New Xp merit system that rewards for teamwork.
Here's a demo of some actual gameplay from the -|FG|-/EF server. The EF team is always looking for anybody that can help so they can get this in the publics hands as soon as possble. Updates can be found on the EastFront or Flameguards website. Keep your ears up and eyes open, and answer the call to the Eastern Front!

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Written by Wolfmap.de, May 29 2007 at 12:43

This program will help you writing script files for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory maps. It features a few handy things that will make your scripting life easier!

This program is made in Visual Basic 6, in Windows Vista. Tested to run in both Windows XP and Windows Vista.

In the Options menu, you can specify the path to your Enemy Territory folder. Click the Browse button and select any file inside the folder that contains your script files(usually etmain\maps). If you specify this, the Open and Save dialog boxes will default to that location. By default, this is set to:"C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\maps"

Any options you set get stored in the file "options.cfg". Please do not edit this file if you don't know what you're doing. The line numbers for each option are hardcoded into the program. If you must edit this file, be sure to keep every setting on the same line!


--> ET » Tools » ETScript v0.1

Currently, the program features:
  • Notepad-like script editor:
    Open and save in the .script filetype by default, never worry about the wrong filetype again!
  • Syntax Highlighting:
    Special scriptcommands are colored, so you can easily see what you're doing!
  • Customizable Preset:
    If checked in the Options menu, the program will load a game_manager preset when you open a new file. You can customize the preset by simply editing the "preset.txt" file.
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Written by Wolfmap.de, May 29 2007 at 12:23

Capture the Stockroom and blow the door! Go trough the stockroom, back-stairway or elevator to the war-rooms! Grap the secret war-documents and bring them to the transmitter at inner-court!

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Written by Flame-Guards, May 29 2007 at 04:24

Two days ago, Fragger had the idea to build up a small mapsystem. First of all to give the community a faster and more comfortable download, with some more info about the maps. On the other hand to support Marko from MLB who is building a very nice flame-guards map. So i decided to make a smart and goodlooking page. :)

Currently there are about 10 maps to download, and more will follow soon. We hope you'll enjoy another of FG's features.

(You can reach the Map-Repository by clicking on FG-MAP in the menu. The old FG-map, that shows where users are located, is now known as FG-Location )

gr33tz s0LiD
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Written by Wolfmap.de, May 28 2007 at 18:22

Offsetted CTF flags in the Q3 style, shorter and more beefier.

+ All new models, only existing mesh used was the flagpole from the stock ET flag model, modified slightly (shortened).
+ All new textures (no Q3 texture media used at all), NOTE: New flag textures.
+ Shader file virtually verbatim as original Q3 flag shader.


--> ET » Prefabs » Q3 Style CTF Flags

I wanted to have some old style bobbing and rotating health/ammo like in old Q3 days,which ET does not do. So to get around this I use a few different entities plus somescripting to accomplish the same thing.

The map is just a test map, and the shader for it have nothing to do with the actual powerups.

In order to make these work, you will need to setup some entities and have scripting for them, which I will explain how. Plus you might need to add some definitions to your .def file if you do not already have them.


--> ET » Prefabs » Q3 Style CTF Powerups
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Written by Wolfmap.de, May 27 2007 at 20:05

This map is a remake of 'CTF-Face' from the original Unreal Tournament game.It features fully functional Capture The Flag style of play and a realtime scoreboardon the compass. It does not require any additional mods and will work under allcurrently popular mods. (etpro, etpub, etmain etc).

Capture the opposing team's flag and bring it back to your own! The first team to reach a score of 4 wins the map. At expiration of roundtime, the team which is ahead wins the map. A draw is possible.

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Written by Wolfmap.de, May 26 2007 at 15:10

Spring 1943, the Austrian Alps: Allied Intelligence has reported that the enemy are developing a powerful new tank in a secure research facility. It is vital that one of the prototype Jagdpanther models be photographed for assessment.
Some Allied 'Horsa' gliders are in enemy hands and are crated in a nearby Axis outpost: capture the outpost and use the gliders to assist in the operation.

The Allies are dropped in by parachute and must assault the Outpost in order to gain access to the gliders crated there. They must then fly at least one glider from the Outpost to a hilltop overlooking the research facility. From there they will be able to destroy the generator, which opens the sealed door of the tank storage building.

They must steal the tank and transport it to the Outpost, where a Photo Reconnaissance Spitfire will be able to take photographs of it.

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Written by Wolfmap.de, May 26 2007 at 13:16

ET: Quake Wars
The crew at SPoNG has kicked up the extensive third and final part of their epic Q&A with Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars lead designer Paul "Locki" Wedgwood. They cover a plethora of topics, including the release date, downloadable content, and winning rounds without firing a single shot. It's a worthwile read, go check it out!

Read the Interview here:

--> Q&A - Part 1 of 3
--> Q&A - Part 2 of 3
--> Q&A - Part 3 of 3
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Written by Wolfmap.de, May 26 2007 at 12:28

ET: Quake Wars
There's a brief interview with Splash Damage technical director Arnout "RR2DO2" van Meer and programmer Mike "m1ke" Armstrong on the NVIDIA site, quizzing them about the technical aspects of Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars and how NVIDIA's OpenGL tools and support aided in the development of the game.

Read the Interview here:

--> Enemy Territories: Quake Wars. On NVIDIA.
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Written by Flame-Guards, May 21 2007 at 19:57


Allies are preparing an ion cannon which aims at annihilating Axis forces and end the war. Axis board the Allied Starbase with a battleship with only one objective: take the starbase off orbit.

In many ways this map follows much of the normal ET map procedure. Axismust breach the two entrances and establish a forward spawn positionfrom which they can begin the assault to destroy the main powerreactor. Allies must defend the reactor at all costs which is no easytask as the designers have not yet built any buildable defences untilthe first beta maps have been fully tested in public. This means thatAllies have as yet no killing fields into which to funnel and delay theAxis spearhead and coupled with the ability of the enemy to teleportinto different sections of the map makes defending the objective quitedifficult to achieve as you never know from where the enemy mightappear from next.

The map includes many special features:
  • Low gravity meaning nice long distance jumps
  • Teleporters to move instantly from one point to another
  • Quake 3 style jump pads
  • Energy Barriers (prevent spawn killing and limit some sections of the starbase to the defending team)
  • Sci-fi style ammo chargers.

  • Early public testing has seen Axis gain the upper hand and reach theobjective to destroy the reactor, sometimes in record time. But like inalmost every new map, it takes a while for players to find theirbearings and learn the defensible areas of the base. Any ideas,suggestions, bug reporting are more than welcome on thewww.gamedesign-online.com forums.

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    Written by Wolfmap.de, May 20 2007 at 19:31

    Fixed Version, now the missing textures are shown.

    This version is made because some folks asked if I couldt adjust the map for no passing. So I did with this version. The water will kill you now, so don't jump in it. There is no passing in this version.

    Two Boats stranded in the middle of the ocean. On board the only survivors were Snipers. When you get boared or when you are on your own, you can always shoot some ducks or hawks as a target practice.
    This map is specially made for the sniper community on ET. Because its a growing thing.

    Map features:

    • The drinks machines work and give health.
    • Helicopters dont fly but the rotors move with sound.
    • There is a big Fog horn in the control room of the boat.
    • Nice sounds (lol) added with my own voice when you jump of the 2 high flag poles into the water.
    • Some ducks and hawks were added by [UJE]C for target practice.
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    Written by Wolfmap.de, May 20 2007 at 18:35

    New skins for ET! They was taken from Pacific Assault, anyway they look cool.


    --> ET » Skinpacks » U.S. Marine Corps
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    Written by Wolfmap.de, May 17 2007 at 03:12

    Ok, this map is a special one. Lot's of special features in it. A town is split in 2 cause of a fight, now they are shooting at eachother from one side to the other. Between the shooting bombers bomb the place down , as you will see the houses are real shot down. In this map there are sniperplaces for all sorts of sniper technics, so i hope every sniper likes this map. For me this map was a real experience cause I had ask all our friendly clans to send in a picture for in this map. Well most of the clans did so I really want to thank them for sending in their picture. Even if there is a lot of shooting in this map there is also a place where you can relax. Not everyone wanted the fight between both sides. For them there is a shelter bar under the map, with all kinds of special things. It's a no shooting area with free drinks free gamble play darts or even dance a bit. Here are all the paintings of our friendly clans. When you want to go back in fight, you can use the Dr. Who telephone cell, it will beem you up. Of course I want to thank C for adding his gamble machine and making all sorts of special thinks with his master skill shadering and scripting. Well done, C. You really gave this map a special look.

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    Written by Wolfmap.de, May 16 2007 at 09:12

    - Brighter Light (Particularly the Player Models are clearly to see now)
    - Alternate Allied Spawn
    - Alternate Tunnelway
    - Added Watertunnel
    - Some more Changes
    - Invisble Box Fix
    - Better Location Infos
    - Some Texture Fixes
    - Some Brush Changes
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