The Axis are guarding a hoard of gold in Egypte in an hidden Moskee. The Allies must steal an Axis Jagdpanther hidden in a garage then blow the Moskee Back Door to open it then, steal the gold bars and drive them to safety in a Boat, then escort this boat to the submarine.
This time you're playing in a jungle sniper map. There is no way to cross in this map so... Stick to your site and try to shoot the players on the other site. The trees and bush will also give you cover and some tree cabins are in the map where you can snipe from. Again some funny sounds are in the jungle so go and check them out. I hope that everybody likes this map and the others I made.
For questions or something else you can always visit our forum at
This program will help you writing script files for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory maps. It features a few handy things that will make your scripting life easier!
This program is made in Visual Basic 6, in Windows Vista. Tested to run in both Windows XP and Windows Vista.
In the Options menu, you can specify the path to your Enemy Territory folder. Click the Browse button and select any file inside the folder that contains your script files(usually etmain\maps). If you specify this, the Open and Save dialog boxes will default to that location. By default, this is set to:"C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\maps"
Any options you set get stored in the file "options.cfg". Please do not edit this file if you don't know what you're doing. The line numbers for each option are hardcoded into the program. If you must edit this file, be sure to keep every setting on the same line!
Usual notepad-like features (cut, copy, paste, select all, find, replace etc).
Complete scripting reference including usage and description.
Ability to edit this scripting reference.
Comes with Installer so you always have the right files.
The program features:
Notepad-like script editor: Open and save in the .script filetype by default, never worry about the wrong filetype again!
Syntax Highlighting: Special scriptcommands are colored, so you can easily see what you're doing!
Customizable Preset: If checked in the Options menu, the program will load a game_manager preset when you open a new file. You can customize the preset by simply editing the "preset.txt" file.
The Flame Guards Community is keen on providing you with another great service again. You can win a key for the Enemy Territory Quakewars free open Beta. But you need to deserve it in one of our 4 Contests. You can participate in all but at the end you can only receive one key in total. There are 5 keys for each contest. The best transmittals of all Topics will win. (Click on the Urls after each Description to view the Topic)
Contest Task: Draw a picture of any Class in enemy territory that´s killing a Strogg with your desired weapon at the moment. Click here
Create a Poem about Flame Guards using the following words: Flame Guards, Universe, Community, Strogg.Click here
Answer us why you would not even share your ET:QW Key with your best friend.Click here
Create a Small Comic Strip with any program where Stroggs/Gdf are talking about Flame Guards. Click here
The Deadline will be Friday the 29th. June at 8:00 Pm CET
Its a race, to build your base! Steal Construction Materials from your enemy's base and secure them at the various 'Capture Pads' located in your team's base. Different capture pads correspond to different base constructions and upgrades, so be sure to think about where you secure your Construction Materials. Capture Pads can be used multiple times to upgrade constructions. Also, constructions can be 'synergized' by completing combinations of other constructions. The first team to complete all 40 constructions / upgrades or have the most completed when the timer runs out wins!
After quite a while of bug fixing and major changes, the Starbase map is finally ready to be released. The first map section has been changed to make it more difficult for axis to capture the forward spawn. The map end section is now easier for them.
Both allied teleporters need to be built and can be eliminated by an axis covert ops
The starbase controls which can be constructed by axis control 2 blast doors, which can be destroyed by allies, now. Allies will be enabled to discover 2 fast new paths to disarm the dynamites at the final objective.
Um es kurz zu machen: Wir haben von SplashDamage 10 VIP-Keys für die Public Beta von ET:QW bekommen um sie im Rahmen eines kleinen Wettbewerbs an die Community zu vergeben.
Der Wettbewerb läuft vom Freitag, 22. Juni 2007 bis zum Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2007.
Der Wettbewerb an sich ist keine große Sache, schickt ein selbstgemachtes Bild mit Bezug auf ET:QW ein und Posted es in diesen Thread.
To make it short: We recived 10 VIP-Keys from SplashDamage for the Public Beta of ET:QW to give them to the community in a small contest.
The contest runs from Friday, 22th June 2007 to Wednesday, 27th June 2007.
The contest is no big deal, send in a self-made picture related to ET:QW and post it here in this thread.
I've always liked Würzburg Radar, I just wished it would stop raining. So I have done a conversion of this classic ET map to make it sunny with unlimited views to the horizon. To make it more interesting than just having nicer weather, I included these changes:
Extra Axis spawn location in the Road Hut - this helps them fight back more quickly when Allies take the Bunker. They will automatically spawn there if the Allies capture the bunker, unless the side door has been blown.
2 extra Allied primary objectives - destroy the North and South Radar Stations.
New Allied victory conditions: achieve any 3 of the 4 primary objectives for victory. That is, Allies win if they steal both radar parts and blow up one station, or if they steal one radar part and blow up both stations.
A lot of the player clipping has been removed, allowing players to get onto high places previously not possible.
The tank in the garage can now be repaired by Axis, and driven up the road to a defensive position.
New terrain textures, and things like owl hoots replaced with bird song.
Axis respawn time reduced from 30 secs to 25 secs.
Map time limit increased from 20 mins to 25 mins.
A new version will follow shortly if initial playtest reveals any serious imbalance in the gameplay or if it is too laggy (the removal of fog clipping will have upped the number of triangles being drawn each frame).
1944, France, soon after D-Day. A company of Allied soldiers are trapped by superior Axis forces near a french village. They must salvage a tank from the depot, force their way through the village and escape along the railway track.
This is a compact map, with the action focussed around the railway bridge, but the environment is very open allowing plenty of choice and scope for tactics. All the buildings can be entered.
You are interested in the ET:QW Public Beta? Unfortunately you don´t know how to join the beta at without any charges? We´ve got an advise for you then.....
Many are angry that the Public Beta is currently only available to File Planet Premium Users. But dont´t worry, if you are fast you can hope for a free alternative opportunity to get one of the coveted limited 60.000 Beta Keys. You get 3 option over the ET:QW Betta Sneak Peek Link. There are offers for Premium Accounts in the middle as well as the right side of the page. In the left side you can sign up for some kind of "Waiting list" Signup for Beta List without any costs. You need your Email-Address, Age, and some technical information about your PC and what kind of Game Genres you are interested in. Fill in, Send.....COMPLETED!
The awarding doesn´t take place specificly. If you are one of the lucky devils who won a Beta Key, you will automatically get an Email with further instructions. Additionally there is still a free account on fileplanet required to download the Client file. You can register here. You will be put in a waiting list which takes up to 15-30 minutes before you are able to start downloading unless you are a Premium user.Good Luck!
As a result of the impressive request the Grimms Märchen Clan will arrange a new Baserace tournament. The Tournament is going to start at the 26th of July. 32 clans will struggle for the honour of Basebuilding. You can sign up at the GMC-Forum. You should take care of having enough players because it will not be possible to nominate a replacement due to the high administrative effort. Mixed teams are allowed, Deadline is the Begin of the Tournament. Rules can be viewed at the GMC-Forum Rules and at GMC in the News comments. You can win a 16 Slot server for a half year.
This is a tiny mod, to change the pickup models for the med/ammo packs into Q3 style simple items. They will yaw towards the player from any angle, easy to see and pulse around the edge slightly. Lower poly than the regular ET pickup models, not that there will be any noticable fps gain in the game. Perhaps on very large servers where the medic/field op's drops packs when killed. Also added a grenade trail when tossed for mods that have a longer tossing range.
NOTE: only changes the pickup models, the hand models/ammo-health rack models remain the same.
After realising a couple weeks back that this map had actually been used in a 1v1 final after it's original release date which was about 2 years ago as a fun map (and slated for being quite the boring final) I decided to redesign the original map 'tournementdm2' into this new design, it wont play the same as previous release and should hopefully be quite enjoyable to play, adding another dimension into a 1v1 map by adding health racks (at strategic locations) and a side tunnel from the original spawn which should hopefully help counteract the spawncamping noted in the flame journal.
List of changes:
2 Stairways added on either side of the centre of the map.
2 Healthracks on either side of the centre of the map.
A bridge has now been put ontop of the spinning ET logo which allows easier passage to the other side.
The old bumps in the map which gave you cover at the start have been changed, boxes have also been added as cover.
All boxes are breakable after 3-4 bullets adding another dimension, temporary cover.
Bugfix; the pillars which would sometimes be shoot-through are now fixed and you cant actually shoot through them, at all!
The Axis are about to surrender to the invading Allies. Their only chance not to lose control of the last remaining rocket base is to neutralize it. Allies have to prevent Axis from taking over this strategical Factory Complex at all costs.
-|FG|- Warzone is definitely the map with the most objectives as it uses 100% of the allowed Entities.
Marko Mytho the famous Mapper has developed this map hand in hand with his beloved Enemy-Territory Community
OBJECTIVES (AXIS): The Axis only secure way to pass the deadly open area is to sneak through the Sewers to reach the gun at the courtyard which pulverizes a new way though the bloody walls. From this point they have to advance to the Rocket launching area to destroy the Allie´s last Power instrument
OBJECTIVES (ALLIES): Allies supremacy has suffered from the strong-minded Axis forces recently. Their last resort deep beyond the enemy region has to be held at all costs. Don´t lose the missile silo control to the enemy!