Replaces the americans with russian soldiers. Not only the playerskins are changed, all american signs in game, HUD and limbo menu are replaced with soviet ones.
Made this skinpack on request by SPARTAN of the clan ETComrades.Many thanks to him and EgaL of RtCW 4 ever! for testing, suggestions and feedback.
We had to remove our QuakeWars video from the "Games Convention 2006" after that on request of Activision Germany. Now the issue should be resolved and we can officially offer you the video for the download again.
Some words about the footage:
This is the first video in which the Stroggs are shown a little more nearly. At the beginning a little flair of the Games Convention is arranged for you. After that it goes with the oppressor in a Hornet through the valley map. Who don't looks only at the crosshair recognize the magnificent wide view. Our oppressor shows how one requests a plasma artillery gun and use this very efficient for a multikill. He also uses the "Ikarus" backpack. All in all a couple of interesting insights into the (sometimes short) life of the Stroggs.
Welcome in the world of supermario. That's what the theme is. This is a mirrored map with on both sides a castle. There are lot's of sniperplaces in this map that can be reached with portals. The map is also very good playable with not so many people.
EgaL from RtCW4ever! managed it to convert the Bani Soundpack from RtCW to ET. The pk3 includes 22 new and fitting chatsounds with a filesize of only 594 KB. As serveradmin you don't do wrong puting this tiny pack to your gameserver.
1944 Bay of Naples Allies are advancing through a town where Axis have been excavating Roman ruins under the streets in search of legendary relics. Allies need to steal the discovered Urn relic from the excavations. Meanwhile Mount Vesuvius has started erupting.
This is a totally reworked and more compact version of the Vesuvius map by mrfin & firefly 07.
This is a fun sound pk3 file. Place in your Jaymod folder! All fun sounds and some modarate swearing but nothing over the top!!! Originally made for the w33dsmok3rs clan but we've decided to share this with you all.
There are some extra admin vsay commands. For example if you type /vsay admin1 then you will get a voice message saying keep the teams even !!! and they start from 1 to 10 plus 98 fun sounds!!!
By the beginning of March 1943 the Eighth Army, advancing westwards along the North African coast, had reached the Tunisian border and Axis found themselfs in an Allied two army pincer. They were outflanked, outmanned and outgunned. The British Eighth Army shattered the Axis defense on the Mareth Line in late March and First Army in central Tunisia launched their main offensive in mid April. Axis are regathering their north African forces in Tunisia were their newly developed rocket is hidden in the sacred garden of Kadesh. Entrence to the sacred graden of Kadesh can only be given to those who have captured the holy relic which Axis has hidden in the house of Bazaar. Axis have been given the order to launch the rocket on allies headquarters and hold the perimeter until reinforcements arrive. The allied forces have landed on the small coastal town of Al Kad, where they will attempt to return the relic to the citizens of Al Kad and thereby gain access to Kadesh. The allied forces have to move quickly since axis have started the countdown for the rocket launch.
Marines need to steal the Vietcongs tank to assault their camp. Escort the tank over the barriers, blast the Radar gate and the base coordinates security room. Steal the coordinates and transmit it with the radar radio. Good Luck soldiers!
This menu is designed to open everybody the possibility to tweak the game to very low details or for just having a more clear view to see the enemy better.
The Allies Rock Eyes Base hides two Radars that gives a strategic View of the surrounding Mountains. The Axis must breach into the Base and destroy the two Radars. The Allies must protect the Radars at all costs!
We like evey new stuff which is released for the ET and we try to collect the best to give more fun experiences for the palyers. So, here is the most complete NorodaNQ skin and sound pack (14 MB) which is for the NoQuarter mod.
I am going to make this short and sweet. We have finally got together a S4NDMoD Release the team is proud of. With this release S4NDMoD now fully supports both windows and linux. ~S4ndm4nn
It's a classic Capture the Flag map, set in and around a large castle, with capturable spawns to the East and West. A multiple layered map with the flags located on the main top level, while the command posts for either team are located on the lowest level.
A scoreboard system is in place, that will show up below the health and stamina bars, in red and blue numbers to indicate score.
We have now official confirmation that ET:QW will be playable at the Games Convention in Leipzig/Germany from 24. till 27.08.2006.
Edward ‘Bongoboy’ Stern (Senior Game Designer) and Stephen 'malarky' Gaffney (IT Manager) and maybe other sd-staff will man the booth, which is part of the Activison stand. ET:QW will be playable with a 24 player LAN like it was at last QuakeCon.