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Rating = 0.275215
# Game Map Total Time Rating Time Proportional Time (in %) Rating Games Last Seen
2 ET Marrakech Streets 2 Night final* 10.8 days 7.5 min 5.8% 0.27 744 31h
3 ET Fuel Dump official 11.5 days 0 secs 6.2% 0 986 49m
5 ET Snatch! final3 + fixed version* 8.2 days 0 secs 4.4% 0 642 28h
6 ET Castle Attack beta5.0* 6.8 days 0 secs 3.7% 0 337 33d
7 ET School beta1* 7.4 days 0 secs 4% 0 798 27h
10 ET Bremen final* 5 days 0 secs 2.7% 0 556 28h
11 ET Fueldump Desert beta1* 9.6 days 0 secs 5.2% 0 575 28h
16 ET fa_italy_b3 11.3 days 0 secs 6.1% 0 583 30h
19 ET Gold Rush official 18.4 days 0 secs 9.9% 0 1044 2h
20 ET Siwa Oasis official 15.4 days 0 secs 8.3% 0 1096 31m
21 ET Battery official 6.3 days 0 secs 3.4% 0 759 11m
23 ET Rail Gun official 9.5 days 0 secs 5.2% 0 833 79m
25 ET Venice final* 8.9 days 0 secs 4.8% 0 742 29h
26 ET V2 Factory final* 5.8 days 0 secs 3.1% 0 296 33d
28 ET Axis Lab final* 5.2 days 0 secs 2.8% 0 330 33d
  (185.1 days) 27.5 min  
19 map(s) are hidden Show all maps.
Useful links: Signature-Generator
Startzeit Game Map Server Name Score Per Minute Ping Session Length Flags Rating
Oct 05 2024 at 19:20 ET Siwa Oasis official
152 (12.67 ppm)   12.5 min
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Venice final*
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 18:58 ET Fuel Dump official
310 (15.12 ppm)   21.5 min
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 18:51 ET Rail Gun official
107 (16.46 ppm)   7.5 min
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 18:46 ET Würzburg Radar...
43 (10.75 ppm)   5 min
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET fa_italy_b3
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Golden Dunk alph...
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 18:16 ET Gold Rush official
619 (21.34 ppm)   30 min
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 18:01 ET Battery official
233 (16.64 ppm)   15 min
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Marrakech Street...
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET TramFight! beta2*
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 17:31 ET Siwa Oasis official
385 (13.28 ppm)   30 min
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Snatch! final3 + fi...
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Bremen final*
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 17:05 ET Fuel Dump official
338 (14.08 ppm)   25.5 min
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 16:56 ET Rail Gun official
103 (12.88 ppm)   9 min
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 16:50 ET Würzburg Radar...
66 (12 ppm)   6.5 min
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Fueldump Desert ...
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Pirates final*
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 16:19 ET Gold Rush official
561 (19.02 ppm)   30.5 min
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Braundorf beta4*
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET School beta1*
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 16:03 ET Battery official
208 (13.42 ppm)   16 min
  -> Details
Oct 04 2024 at 22:29 ET Venice final*
-   looking
  -> Details
Oct 05 2024 at 15:33 ET Siwa Oasis official
491 (16.64 ppm)   30.5 min
  -> Details

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