... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 4
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 33.75
ETc|FD-Good in MML Minas T...
Call me god!
best overall rating: 30.76
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 6 hrs
The best place
Reggyman - 11 days 8 hours 17 minutes agoa only ae sniper challenge server would be great again
Teuthis - 37 days 20 hours 49 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 38 days 7 hours 51 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 38 days 22 hours 13 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
Teuthis - 39 days 22 hours 20 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
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*** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** NEWS *** News filter
Written by Wolffiles, May 26 2020 at 20:19


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RtCW Venom Mod Updated =

Hellbaron has released an updated version of his 'RtCW Venom Mod'. This modification for 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' incorporates both singleplayer and multiplayer game modes and is a definite 'must have' for all fans of this classic World War II shooter.


Download the new version HERE

Source - ModDB - Hellbaron

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Written by Wolffiles, May 22 2020 at 20:33


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RtCW Cut Content =

Wolfetplayer, the creator of 'RealRtCW', has released a 'Cut Content' pack, which contains screenshots, videos, demos and early concepts of 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein'.

All 'RtCW' fans will definitely enjoy taking this trip back in time to the very beginning of this classic game.



Download the pack HERE

Source - ModDB - Wolfetplayer

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Written by Wolffiles, May 11 2020 at 14:05


= Wolfenstein Community =

= 85 Productions - Renamed =

William Faure from '85 Productions' has announced the renaming of his Wolfenstein-focused company and provided us with an update on his projects in development. Here's what he had to say:

You may ask yourself the reason for the name change. Well, this is a tribute to 'Gray Matter Interactive', the defunct company behind the development of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which was founded on March 25, 1993, by Drew Markham and Barry Dempsey. In 2018, founder Drew Markham passed away at the age of 59. Without him, Return to Castle Wolfenstein wouldn't have seen the light of day and I have decided to pay him tribute in many ways ever since.

As you previously read, instead of the anatomic title, 'Gray matter', I've chosen to go with the physical cosmology-styled title of, "Dark matter". Let me explain. Gray Matter Interactive may have opted to use 'Gray matter', a major component of the central nervous system, due to the fact that playing video games leads to brain stimulation. I've chosen 'Dark matter' for 'Dark Matter Productions' as a way to refer to what started, nearly a decade ago for the company, its very own 'big bang', 'The Dark Army'.

Thus, I can only hope that all of you will like this new 'signature' and the reasoning behind it.  Also, expect a huge status update regarding our mods on May 28th, the day of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory's 17th anniversary:

The Dark Army: Uprising - Remastered

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Single-Player & Cooperative

The Dark Army 2: Downfall

More details will be shared in the coming weeks so, in the meantime, please make sure to stay tuned. It's gonna be well worth the wait! - William Faure

The official Dark Matter Productions website HERE

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Written by Wolffiles, May 05 2020 at 20:47


= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory =

= Dark Alchemy Community =

Dark Alchemy Community is glad to announce its return to the 'Wolf:ET' scene, with new forums and a NoQuarter server for 42 players. The Community was born in 2005 with players that wanted to play only for fun and ran until the year 2017.

Due to many requests from all 'DA' members and regulars, the 'Dark Alchemy' staff decided to restore the community for the pleasure of all those who fondly remember it .

On behalf of Wolffiles and Splatterladder, welcome back to the community, 'Dark Alchemy'!

Dark Alchemy official website HERE

The Dark Alchemy server:

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Written by Wolffiles, May 04 2020 at 14:25


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RtCW Clonewar Village - version 1.1 =

'RtCW Clonewar Village', created by Flipmode and Vicpas, is the prequel to 'Clonewar 2044'. It tells the story of a village occupied by Germans forces, close to the Russian border. Axis scientists have managed to build a timeportal there and they plan to travel into the future in order to utilise advanced technology, know as 'cloning'.

If these scientists are successful, their main objective in reproducing a huge number of cloned combat troops will become a reality and as a result of this, all Allied forces will be annihilated.






1 - The level Clonewar_Village was optimized with textures/common/areaportal.
2 - Added more effects on explosions (Cannons and lanterns)
3 - Added a final cutscene .
4 - Added a "notebook" with mission instructions.
5 - Added new sounds for weapons (MG42, MP40, Mauser_Rifle and Dynamite)

Download the new version HERE

Source - ModDB - Vicpas

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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 30 2020 at 16:08


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RealRtCW 3.0 - Complete Edition =

Wolfetplayer has released the latest version of his 'RealRtCW' modification for 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein'. This new release is entitled, 'RealRtCW 3.0 - Complete Edition' and to refer to this as being 'just' a mod is most definitely not doing it justice.

This is the equivalent of a complete rebuild of this classic game, including a new game engine, new weapons, new high polly models, atmospheric effects, HD textures, a new 'HUD' and 'UI', a new recoil system and as if all that wasn't enough, we now have support for 35 of the very best custom singleplayer add-ons.

What if you want to try the 'vanilla' release of 'RtCW' on its own, without all of the custom add-ons? That's no problem either, because Wolfetplayer has created a 'lite' version of 'RealRtCW' for this very purpose.

This new release is a masterpiece and a definite 'must have' for all fans of 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein'.


Download RealRtCW 3.0 - Complete Edition HERE

Download RealRtCW 3.0 - Lite HERE

Source - ModDB - Wolfetplayer

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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 28 2020 at 18:59


= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Remake =

= Enemy Territory II =

Gert, from the 'Enemy Territory II' devteam, has released a new video update on the progress of their project to date and as we can see from the new video a great deal has been achieved.

• adjusted weapon spread similar to Wolf:ET
• adjusted movement speed and restrictions
• changed player and weapon models
• added and changed weapon sounds
• removing aim down sights
• changed weapons damage
• changed sprint to all directions
• changed the characters ability to shoot/throw while sprinting
• changed sprint animation
• added and changed hitsounds
• changed team names and icons in Lobby and on HUD
• changed icons in kill feed
• worked out a prone system and removed common bugs (speed, camera angle, collision, no lean and jump while proned)
• re-attached aim down sight for sniper and removed common bugs (scope out when sprint etc)
• aim down sights works on toggle, not hold
• changed lean system: adjusted the angle, lean canceled when moving, lean works on hold, cant shoot while leaning
• Supply light changes
• Supply spawn fixes
• and many more

Enemy Territory II on Instagram HERE

The official Youtube channel HERE

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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 27 2020 at 16:17


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer =

= Winter Storm League 6v6 - Groupstage Week 8 =

The frag action continues in the '2020 Winter Storm League' with week 8 featuring the battles between 'NA' versus 'DHS' and 'FF' versus ROZ'. MerlinatoR provides us with the official shoutcast and Homie from 'Crossfire' gives us all the video highlights via his 'Youtube' channel.

Official Crossfire website HERE

MerlinatoR's official Twitch channel HERE

Homie on Youtube HERE

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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 27 2020 at 15:29


= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory =

= etl:Frostbite version 9 =

The 'ET:Legacy' devteam have released an updated version of the classic map, 'Frostbite'.

to last version:
•    Removed rogue clip at office entrance.
•    Changed catwalk in warehouse from `clipweapon` to `clip`. It is now permeable for weapons.
•    Simplified collision of machines at side entrance.
•    Added player clips to various shelves, pipes and doorways.
•    Fixed one alarm speaker not being named correctly.
•    Added a trickjump coming from warehouse, jumping onto box, onto truck into green passage. Disabled by default. Can be activated through mapscript. (deactivate line: setstate courtyard_TJ_box invisible)
•    Removed collision of blackboards.
•    Increased amount of shared files with other ET: Legacy overhauls to decrease filesize once they are shipped together.

to original:
•    The player is now able to stop and revert Storage Wall movement by activating the button again.
•    Alarm now also sounds when the Service Door has been dynamited before the Storage Wall and Main Door.
•    Structural mesh and VIS blocking has been improved
•    Visual changes have been made


Download the new version HERE

Source - ModDB - ETLegacy


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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 25 2020 at 15:51


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer =

= RtCW Corona NationsCup II =

The corona virus is, unfortunately, still here, so it's time for another NationsCup! This time the participants will be limited to British and European teams only. The tournament format will be same as the previous 'Corona NationsCup' event.

Tournament event details:

Date: Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 May 2020
Start: 19.00 Central European Time
Format: 6v6
Map pool: Beach, Village, Ice, Frostbite, Base, (Assault if we have enough signups)
Format: League (Round Robin)
Official Shoutcast & Stream:  Owzo

Do you want to take part in the latest event? Do you have a team, or are you looking to join a team? If so, please join the 'RtCW Discord' channel and let the event organisers know.

Official Crossfire website HERE

RtCW Discord Channel HERE

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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 24 2020 at 12:17


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer =

= Winter Storm League 6v6 - Groupstage Week 7 =

Week 7 of the '2020 Winter Storm League' is upon us, with 'FF' versus 'RAW' providing us with this weeks frag action. Many thanks to Homie from Crossfire for the video highlights and to MerlinatoR for the official shoutcast.

Official Crossfire website HERE

MerlinatoR's official Twitch channel HERE

Homie on Youtube HERE

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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 23 2020 at 17:09


= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory =

= ET:L Ice - version 3 =

This is the latest 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory' version of the 'Ice' map, which was originally created for 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' multiplayer. The new update has been created by the 'ET:Legacy' team.

to original:
•    Improved VO announcements.
    -- As long as both Main Entrance and Side Wall are active VO is: "defend/destroy entrances".
    -- As soon as one has been breached VO is: "defend/destroy the side OR main entrance".
    -- Added VO announcements for active map objectives when joining a team.
    -- Added VO announcements for the guardtower.
•    Added base alarm when the main entrance gets destroyed.
•    Added colour-coded guiding system intended to ease new players into the map.
•    Added ambient sounds.
•    Doors have been widened to allow for faster movement.
•    Visual changes have been made.


Download the latest version HERE

Source - ModDB - Kemon

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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 20 2020 at 18:44


= Wolfenstein News =

= Wolfenstein4ever 14th Anniversary =

"Wolfenstein4ever celebrates its 14th anniversary - Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory are still alive, thanks to a hard-working community, faithful players, some websites and the fact that there are still no new comparable MP game. Stay healthy and have fun on the currently full Wolfgame servers!

PS: And next year (for the 15th) a little surprise is planned." - d3Xter

"Wolfenstein4ever feiert 14 jähriges bestehen - Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory leben immer noch, dank fleißiger Community, treuen Spielern, einigen Webseiten und der Tatsache, das es immer noch kein neues vergleichbares MP-Game gibt. Bleibt gesund und habt viel Spaß, auf den zur Zeit bedingten, vollen Wolfgame-Servern!

PS: Und nächstes Jahr (für den 15.) ist auch eine kleine Überraschung geplant." - d3Xter

Source - Wolfenstein4ever - d3Xter



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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 20 2020 at 14:34


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer =

= Winter Storm League 6v6 - Groupstage Week 6 =

The 'RtCW Winter Strom 2020' tournament week 6 has taken place, with DHS versus OMG and FF versus KiH. Catch all the action in the latest video highlights, courtesy of Homie from 'Crossfire'. The shoutcast for these opening fixtures is being provided by MerlinatoR.

Official Crossfire website HERE

MerlinatoR's official Twitch channel HERE

Homie on Youtube HERE

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Written by Wolffiles, Apr 16 2020 at 14:08


= Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer =

= Winter Storm League 6v6 - Groupstage Week 5 =

Week 5 of the 'RtCW Winter Storm 2020' tournament is upon us as we see Bonkas versus OMG and FF versus Trinity as the featured matches. As always, the frag action features the official MerlinatoR shoutcast and the excellent video highlights are courtesy of Homie from 'Crossfire'.

Enjoy the 'RtCW MP' action!

The official Crossfire website HERE

MerlinatoR's official Twitch channel HERE

Homie on Youtube HERE

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