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MAPINFO FOR: mp_schwalbe
RtCW: mp_schwalbe

Votes: 19 Rating: 59%
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Name: Project Schwalbe Me-262
Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RtCW)
Downloads: - rtcwmap.de
The Axis have developed the first ever jet aircraft, the ME262, otherwise known as "The Schwalbe".
The Allied inteligence have discovered the location of the base, and are providing covering air support.
The allied ground forces must infiltrate the axis base and destroy the prototype.
They must then steal plans and escape via the boat waiting at the river.

The allies CANNOT escape until the ME262 is destroyed, even though they can steal the plans at any time.

The axis must defend both the ME262 and the plans, and also try and keep control of the mines, which provide passage into the base.
They can also slow down the allied advance by destroying the footbridge that crosses the river,
forcing the allies over the train bridge or through the very cold river, which will sap their strength.

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