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MAPINFO FOR: escape2
ET: escape2

Votes: 61 Rating: 78%
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Name: Escape 2 final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
Allies have to get a codebook and escape through the main entrance of the axis POW-camp.

1 "Construct an assault ramp, to get access to the lookout passage.*To get the lookout spawn, you need to:*1. Construct the assault ramp.*Or*2. Destroy the main gate to make it permanent."
2 "Blow the 3 fences:*The west fence.*The east fence.*The electric fence."
3 "Destroy the main gate.*To get the lookout spawn, you need to:
1. Construct the assault ramp.*Or*2. Destroy the main gate to make it permanent."
4 "Construct the command post."
5 "Build the pile of crates."
6 "Dynamite the ammo cache.
To get the ammo bunker spawn, you need to:
1. Dynamite the ammo cache.*2. Steal the shell, load the gun and fire it to blow the wall."
7 "Steal the shell, load the gun and fire it to blow the wall."
8 "---Primary Objective---
Steal the codebook, repair the gate control and get to the truck outside"

1 "Destroy the assault ramp stairs."
2 "Protect the 3 fences:*The west fence.*The east fence.*The electric fence.*The east and west fence can be rebuilt"
3 "Protect the main gate."
4 "Construct the command post."
5 "Blow the pile of crates."
6 "Protect the ammo cache."
7 "Protect the shell and prevent allies from loading and firing the gun."
8 "Dont allow allies to steal the codebook and repair the gate control."

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