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ET: oasis

Votes: 8017 Rating: 87%
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Name: Siwa Oasis official
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
The task is simple. Allies need to destroy two Anti Tank Guns.

At the beginning you have to go a few ways to the objectives. Water pumps must be repaired so you can use underground passages. The spawn flag should be conquered quickly to have time to blow up the city wall. A command post is to build. Now there are just the North and South Anti Tank Gun left to destroy.

Similar to Würzburg Radar you have to keep as long as possible the area around the spawn flag to protect the city wall. When the city wall is lost you should fully concentrate on the two guns. Good placed mines are very helpful. There is also an Axis command post near Anti Tank Guns.

The brilliant landscape and the gorgeous designed buildings are great. With the sophisticated multiple routes it is always fun to play this map.


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