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Page visits: 18146
*We The Family*
Clan ID: 165682
Clan Tag: *WTF*|
Clan Name: *We The Family*
Location: Worldwide
Web Site: https://http://wethefamily.forumotion.eu
Total Members: 20
Recruiting Members: No
Registered at: Oct 01 2017
Clan-Voice: teamspeak3://
Contact Address: wethefamily.et@gmail.com
Our Servers: - *WTF*|Server|
We're more of a family, a group of friends, rather than a clan.
We play the game purely for fun. Not competition.
We like to play as a team and for the objective in order to win the maps.
Everyone is welcome to come and play with us.
We don't recruit, however, if there is someone who plays on our server regularly for a long time, and we like each other, then a membership might be offered from our side.
Our TeamSpeak server is password protected, so if you would like to join, just ask for the password in the game.
Rank Player Name Server Name Rating Total Time Proportional Time (in %) Ping Last Seen
- 16.23 10.8 days 1.3% 93 ms 20h
- 13.99 24.9 days 3.1% 46 ms 8d
- 12.78 81.8 days 10% 49 ms 20h
- 12.17 134.5 days 16.5% 48 ms 21h
- 10.86 162.2 days 19.9% 70 ms 20h
R 2180
- 6.82 56.9 days 7% 49 ms 22h
R 2723
- 4.42 64.3 days 7.9% 49 ms 21h
*WTF*|J J|
- 2.73 37.4 days 4.6% 49 ms 83d
- 2.25 72.7 days 8.9% 48 ms 18d
R -
- 1.02 42.2 days 5.2% 48 ms 143d
R -
- 0.35 25.9 days 3.2% 27 ms 213d
- 0.06 12.9 days 1.6% 48 ms 6d
- 0.06 36.6 hrs 0.2% 63 ms 654d
- 0.03 14.2 days 1.7% 49 ms 919d
- 0.02 3.3 days 0.4% 49 ms 578d
R -
- 0.02 20.6 days 2.5% 64 ms 984d
- 0.02 51 hrs 0.3% 47 ms 1181d
- 0.01 19.2 days 2.4% 49 ms 955d
- 0.01 17.5 days 2.1% 47 ms 1495d
R -
- 0.01 9.8 days 1.2% 51 ms 1899d
  814.8 days  

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