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Rating = 0
# Game Map Total Time Rating Time Proportional Time (in %) Rating Games Last Seen
3 ET UJE Xmas Room beta1 37.5 hrs 0 secs 3.1% 0 39 91d
4 ET UJE TV Sniper beta1* (6 days) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 307 59h
5 ET UJE Amsterdam NC* (54 hrs) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 214 57h
7 ET ES_garden_sniper 3 days 0 secs 6.1% 0 218 60h
8 ET es_italy_sniper 4.5 days 0 secs 9% 0 219 59h
9 ET sniper_from_mars 53.4 hrs 0 secs 4.5% 0 213 57h
10 ET battle_chess_sniper 58.5 hrs 0 secs 4.9% 0 224 58h
11 ET Sniperhell beta1* (54 hrs) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 214 61h
12 ET UJE Camping Sniper beta3* (54.6 hrs) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 217 58h
13 ET UJE Wildwest Sniper beta3* (53.4 hrs) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 213 60h
16 ET UJE War Zone Sniper final + fixed* (4.6 days) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 222 57h
17 ET UJE Hospital Sniper NP beta1* (55.2 hrs) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 219 58h
18 ET UJE Cartoon Sniper beta2* (54.1 hrs) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 215 56h
20 ET [UJE] Airpark Sniper (3 days) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 231 60h
21 ET Lost Paradise beta0.9 (54 hrs) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 212 59h
22 ET TWC_sniper (3 days) (0 secs) MAP IS NOT RATED: Ranking disabled on this map! 240 57h
23 ET whs 53.9 hrs 0 secs 4.5% 0 216 60h
  (49.7 days) 0 secs  
6 map(s) are hidden Show all maps.
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